thiruvarangam 3
kaimmAna mazhakaLiTTraikkaDarkiDanda karumaNiyai
maimmAna marahadattai maraiyuraitta tirumAlai |
emmAnai enakkenrum iniyAnai paNikAtta
ammAnai yAn kaNDadu aNineer tennarangattE ||
AzhwAr says—I saw Him in tennarangam which has kAvEri river flowing through it. He is the one who lies like a huge dark elephant; who is as shining and beautiful as a huge gem of sapphire; He is green like a huge emerald; He is the who is revealed by vEdas (or He reveals vEdas) He is my swAmi!, my sweet Lord, He is the one who protected the cattle from the heavy rain.
It is but natural to all AzhwArs to see Him as green, dark, blue etc. He is pleased to reveal Himself as the Bakta sees Him.
pErAnai kurunguDiyemberumAnai tiruttaNkAl
oorAnai karambanoor uttamanai muttilangu|
kArAr tiNkaDalEzhum malaiyEzhivvulahEzhuNDum
ArAdenrirundAnai kaNDadu tennarangattE ||
He who resides in tiruppErai, in tirukkurunguDi, in tiruttaNkAl and tirukkarambanoor is seen by me in tennarangam. It is He who swallowed seven seas (which has beautiful pearls inside), seven worlds and seven mountains lies here feeling not satisfied at it.
ArAdu enru irundAnai— Out of compassion for the creatures He swallowed them in His stomach, but still feels He has not done enough for them.
kadambanoor uttamanai— periyavAchchAn piLLai Sree sookti— ‘ellArum naDakkum vazhi AhaiyAlE SEvippAr mihuhaiyAl kadaviDa avasaramillai enru karuttu’—there is no gOpura gate since BagavAn resides in temple which is seen by everyone walking on the street. Hence He felt there is no time to build the door since that would obstruct the vision during that period.
EnAhiyulahiDandu anru irunilanum peruviSumbum
tAnAya perumAnai tannaDiyAr manattenrum |
tEnAhi amudAhi tihazhndAnai mahizhndorukAl
AnAyanAnAnai kaNDadu tennarangattE ||
He is the emberumAn who lifted Boomi pirATTi from the aNDa Bitti taking a mahAvarAha avatAra in the varAha kalpa. He is the one who has Boomi and heavenly regions as His body. He is the one who is as sweet and enjoyable as honey and nectar living in the hearts of Baktas. He is the one who once took kriShNAvatAra born in AyarpADi kula and grazed the cattle happily. He is the one whom I see in Sree rangam.
vaLarndavanaittaDangaDaluL valiyuruvil tiriSahaTam
taLarndudira udaittavanai tariyAdanriraNiyanai |
piLandavanai perunilam eeraDineeTTi paNDorunAL
aLandavanai yAn kaNDadu aNi neer tennarangattE ||
I saw Him in tennarangam. He is the one who lies in tiruppArkaDal for dEvas to come and express their suKa and duhKa; the one who kicked SakaTAsura who haunted a cart and crushed him into pieces; He is the one who split open the chest of hiraNya since He committed offence against His Bakta (prahlAda). He can tolerate any amount of offence done to Him but cannot tolerate the slightest offence done to His Bakta; He measured the worlds with His two tiruvaDi as vAmana.
neerazhalAi neDunilanAi ninrAnai anrarakkan
oor azhalAl uNDAnai kaNDAr pinkANAmE |
pErazhalAi peruviSumbAi pinmaraiyOr mandirattin
ArazhalAl uNDAnai kaNDadu tennarangattE ||
He is the niyAmaka of five Bootas (though only three Boomi, water and fire are mentioned here). He has the whole universe-sentient and insentient— as His Sareera, He is Sree rAma who burnt the city of rAvaNa. He is the bADavAgni found under the sea (or) He is the jATarAgni found inside the stomach which helps in digestion (Bagavat geeta) He is the Lord of paramapada. He is the enjoyer of the offerings poured into the sacrificial agni. In the offerings made to the dEvas like indra, varuNa and others go to Him alone (Bagavat geeta) He is in Sree rangam where I saw Him—says AzhwAr.
tanjinattaittavirttu aDaindAr tavaneriyai dariyAdu
kanjanaikonru anrulahamuNDumizhnda karpahattai |
venjinatta koDundozhilOn viSaiyuruvaiyaSaivitta
anjiraippuTpAhanai yAn kaNDadu tennarangattE ||
He is the means to attain the goal (both being Himself) to those who have conquered their indriyas and emotions. He is the karpaga tree (wish fulfilling tree) who ate up all the created worlds (during praLaya) and expelled them out (during creation). He is the one who killed kamsa, the enemy of dEvas and sAtvikas. He made Siva tremble with fear during the bANAsura yuddha. (koDundozhilOn is interpreted in both ways—Siva if it means destruction; bANAsura if it means wicked actions. He is the one who rides on garuDa in order to to fast to protect the afflicted. He is seen by AzhwAr in Sree rangam.
Sindanaittavaneriyai tirumAlai piriyadu
vandenadu manattirunda vaDamalaiyai varivaNDAr |
kondaNainda pozhilkOval ulahaLappAn aDinimirtta
andaNanai yAn kaNDadu aNineer tennarangattE ||
emberumAn is the object of any thought; He is the upAya (means) and upEya (goal)—through Him I attain Him. He is the Sriyah pati. He is the one residing in tirumalai but has come from there to enter my heart to stay here forever. He is the most benevolent for He has placed His much sought after tiruvaDi on all alike when He measured the worlds as trivikrama (as seen in tirukkOvaloor). I see Him in Sree rangam as ranganAtha.
tuvarittavuDaiyavarkum tooimaiyillASamaNarkum
avarhaTkum angaruLillAvaruLAnai tannaDainda |
emarhaTkum aDiyErkum emmArkum emmAnaikkum
amararkum pirAnArai kaNDadu tennarangattE ||
In the previous pASura AzhwAr called Him ‘andaNan’ He says in this pASura He is ‘andaNan’ only to the believer of vEdas (Astikas) but not to non believers (nAstikas) like boudhas and jains. The boudhas who wear orange robes and pose as sanyAsins (not real renunciation) and the unchaste and impure jains do not get His blessings. He is swAmi to me (AzhwAr), to my mother, father and nitya sooris who really seek His tiruvaDi as rakShaka. ‘kESavan tamar keezh mEl emarEzh pirappum mAsadiridu peTTru nammuDai vAzhvu vAikkinravA’—nammAzhwAr (He shows His infinite grace on Him (AzhwAr) and those who are related to him).
poivaNNam manattahaTTri pulanaindum Selavaittu
meivaNNam ninaindavarku meininravittahanai |
maivaNNam karumuhil pOltihazhvaNNa marahadattin
avvaNNa vaNNanai yAn kaNDadu tennarangattE ||
He is a mAyan who reveals His nature to those who cast away the world and its objects; who control their five indriyas; who meditate and seek Him alone. He is blue like rain cloud, dark like coryllium and green like emerald. In short He is anything that Bakta wishes. I saw Him in tiruvarangam—says AzhwAr.
Amaruvi niraimEitta aNiyarangattammAnai
kAmaruSeer kalikanri oliSeida malipuazhSEr |
nAmaruvu tamizhmAlai nAliraNDODiraNDinaiyum
tAmaruvivallAr mEl SarAteevinaitAnE ||
It is the AyarpADi boy who lies here in Sree rangam, He is sung by kalikanri with love. Those who read this tamizh mAlai with great love. Those who read this tamizh mAlai with great love and enthusiasm will be rid of their pApas.
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