tAm tam perumai ariyAr toodu
vEndarkAya vEndaroor pOl |
kAndaL viral men kalai nanmaDavAr
koondal kamazhum kooDaloorE ||
AzhwAr says BagavAn does not know His own greatness what does this statement mean? Isn’t He sarvajna? Isn’t He sarvaSaktimAn? Don’t vEdas says so? Yes. The statement means BagavAn doesn’t declare His own greatness. It is the vEdas and riShis who speak of His glories. He thinks His greatness does not lie in being paramapadanAtha. It lies in being the charioteer of arjuna or in being a messenger for the pANDavas to duryOdana. It lies in being a dAsa to His Baktas. The riShis eulogize His being a dAsa and says ‘Oh! What soulaBya! The supreme Lord acting as a messenger? What a love towards His Bakta!’
AzhwAr says ‘toodu vEndarkAya vEndar’—He is the messenger of the kings. Who is He? a dEvAdi dEva! in this single sentence AzhwAr reveals both His paratva and soulaBya.
He resides in tirukkooDaloor where there are beautiful women having karuneidal viral and scented hair.
There are two divya dESas of the same name ‘tirukkooDaloor one is in the paNDya nADu and the other (which is referred here) is in chOzha nADu. This tirupati is also called ADutdurai perumAL kOyil. The name tirukkooDaloor is for the reason that dEvas came and worshipped Him in groups.
SerundiN timil EruDaiya pinnai
perundaN kOlam peTTrAroor pOl |
narundaN teen tEnuNDavaNDu
kurinjipADum kooDaloorE ||
Sree kriShNa defeated the seven powerful bulls in order to marry nappinnai pirATTi whose beauty is beyond words. He resides in tirukkooDaloor where there are forests full of flowers. The bees drink the sweet, aromatic honey and sing the song called kurinji.
piLLaiyuruvAi tayiruNDu aDiyEn
uLLampuhunda oruvaroor pOl |
kaLLanArai vayaluL kayalmeen
koLLaikoLLum kooDaloorE ||
Sree kriShNa ate all the curds etc. by stealing. yaSOda would churn the curds to get butter when kaNNan was sleeping (a feigning sleep). She would finish her job and go inside to do some other household chores. At that time kaNNan would get up from the cradle and eat up all the curds butter etc. and sleep again. He resides in tirukkooDaloor where there are cranes in the fields, which wait standing on one leg to catch big fish. When they come they will suddenly catch and eat them like kaNNan did to yaSOda).
AzhwAr ways this act of kaNNan caught his mind too. So He entered AzhwAr’s mind.
kooTTrEruruvin kuraLAi nilaneer
ETTrAn endai peruman oor pOl |
SETTrEruzhavar kOdaippOdooN
kOltEn muralum kooDaloorE ||
emberumAn took an astonishingly beautiful form of a vAmana and begged Boomi from mahA bali which is offered with water. This swAmi resides in tirukkooDaloor where the bees leave the forest flowers and go and seek the flowers worn by the farmer who were ploughing the fields. They drink honey and sing loudly.
Perhaps it is the practice in that region for the farmers to wear flower on their heads.
toNDar parava SuDar SenraNava
aNDattamarum aDihaLoor pOl |
vaNDalalaiyuL keNDaimiLira
koNDaladirum kooDaloorE ||
trivikrama grew in size spanning the Boomi and sky with His form reaching the soorya maNDala as well. The people of those respective regions sing praise on Him. He resides in tirukkooDaloor where there are keNDai fish in the fields. They jump and play causing the reflection on their shining skins. The clouds think it is lightning. Hence they start to roar like thunder.
takkanvELvi tahartta talaivan
dukkantuDaitta tuNaivaroor pOl |
ekkaliDu nuN maNal mEl engum
kokkin pazham veezh kooDaloorE ||
emberumAn—who removed the agony of Siva who destroyed the yAga of dakSha prajApati—resides in the divya dESa called tirukkooDaloor where there are sand dunes on which the ripe mangoes fall making it appear like so many sees sown on the field.
karundaNkaDalum malaiyum ulahum
arundum aDihaL amarumoor pOl |
perundaN mullai piLLaiyODi
kurundam tazhuvum kooDaloorE ||
emberumAn put all the oceans, mountains, and worlds in His stomach to protect them from being destroyed in the deluge. He resides in tirukkooDaloor where there are forests in which the mullai creeper wind round the kurunda trees.
kalaivAzh piNaiyODaNaiyum tiruneer
malaivAzh endai maruvumoor pOl |
ilaitAzh tengin mEl ninru iLaneer
kulaitAzh kiDangin kooDaloorE ||
He who resides in tiruneer malai where deer's are seen in plenty moving in pairs, resides in kooDaloor where there are coconut trees growing on the banks of rivers. The fruit bunches are so heavy that they drop down on the water making it appear as if the water is full of coconuts covered by tender leaves.
peruhukAdal aDiyEn uLLam
uruhappuhundu oruvaroor pOl |
aruhukaidaimalara keNDai
kuruhenranjum kooDaloorE ||
AzhwAr says ‘Oh! emberumAn You have entered my mind which is melting due to my increasing love towards You’. He lives in tirukkooDaloor where there are tAzhai bushes grow along the banks of the rivers and ponds. The keNDai fer them as they look like cranes that have come to eat.
kAvipperuneer vaNNan kaNNan
mEvittihazhum kooDaloor mEl |
kOvaittamizhAl kaliyan Sonna
pAvaippADa pAvam pOmE ||
About kaNNapirAn who is as dark as karuneidal flower and sea, tirumangai AzhwAr has sung these pASuras on the divya dESa called tirukkooDaloor. Those who read and sing these pASuras will not be affected by their past karmas.
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