kalangka munnIr
thirunaRaiyUr 2
kalangamunneer kaDaindu amudamkoNDu imaiyOr
tulangal teeranalhu SOdiSuDarAya |
valangai yAzhi iDangaiSangam uDaiyAnoor
nalangoLvAimai andaNarvAzhum naraiyoorE ||
BagavAn churned the ocean in order to obtain the nectar for the dEvas, His Baktas. He is Himself very effulgent carrying in His hands very brilliant SanKa and chakra. He resides in tirunaraiyoor where vaidikas live who speak nothing but truth.
muneer kalanga kaDaindu—BagavAn churned the pArkaDal which served as His abode, without any hesitation since it was the request of His Baktas (even though their demand is selfish).
nalangoL vAimai andaNar—SAstra says speak truth and do not speak falsehood. But truth is interpreted as what is not harmful to others. ‘satyam apriyam’. (speak the truth, speak good words, do not speak the truth which are not good).
nalangoL vAimai—is also interpreted as vEdas. Here it means those brAhmaNas who chant vEdas.
munaiyArSeeyamAhi avuNan muraN mArvam
punaivALuhirAl pOzhpaDaveernda punidanoor |
SinaiyAr tEmAm SendaLir kOdi kuyil koovum
nanaiyAr SOlaiSoozhndu azhahAya naraiyoorE ||
BagavAn took narasimha avatAra, a warring man-lion. He split open the powerful chest of hiraNya with His sharp shining nails. This ‘punidan’ resides in tirunaraiyoor which abounds in forests where there are mango trees with fresh red leaves and other flowering trees. The cuckoos peck them and coo happily.
The singing of birds is symbolic of reading Sreemad BAgavata and viShNu purANa.
Anaippuravi tEroDu kAlALaNikoNDa
SEnaittohaiyaiSADi ilangaiSeTTrAnoor |
meenaittazhuvi veezhndezhum maLLarkaLamandu
nAnappudalil Amai oLikkum naraiyoorE ||
Sree rAma shattered the array of elephants, horses, chariots and foot soldiers in lankApuri during the war with rAvaNa. He resides in tirunaraiyoor where there are lots of fertile fields in which mountain-like fish live. The farmers catch them in both the hands. But the fish push them and slip down. They get up again to catch them. Seeing this the tortoise run away, hides in the turmeric bush near the fields. Such is the greatness of the city.
uriyAr veNNai uNDu uralODum kaTTuNDu
veriyAr koondal pinnai poruTTAn enrAnoor |
poriyAr manjnai poombozhil tOrum naDamADa
narunANmalar mEl vaNDiSaipADum naraiyoorE ||
tirunaraiyoor is the divya dESa where emberumAn resides. It is He who stole the butter kept high in ‘uri’s and was caught in the act, was bound to an old mortar by a mere woman, yaSOda. It is He who subdued the seven powerful bulls for the sake of nappinnai pirATTi. The divya dESa is beautiful with beautiful forests where peacocks dance and bees sing (after drinking the honey from the fully bloomed scented flowers).
viDaiyEzhvenru men tOL Aichchikku anbanAi
naDaiyAl ninra marudam SAitta nAdanoor |
paDaiyODannam peivaLaiyAr tampinSenru
naDaiyODiyali nANiyoLikkum naraiyoorE ||
For kriShNa who defeated the seven powerful wild bulls for the sake of nappinnai pirATTi, it is not a difficult feat to fell the deep-rooted twin maruda trees while crawling in between them. He resides in tirunaraiyoor where there are plenty of lotus ponds where live swans in pairs. They try to initiate the calmly gait of beautiful women by following them. But they fail to learn, feel shy and hide behind the huge lotus flowers.
pahuvAi van pEi kongai SuvaittAruyiruNDu
puhuvAi ninra pOdaham veezha porudAnoor |
nehuvAi neidal poomadumAndi kamalattin
nahuvAi malar mEl annam urangum naraiyoorE ||
As a mere child Sree kriShNa killed pootana by sucking her milk along with her dear life. He killed kuvaLayApeeDa, a mad wild elephant, trained especially by kamsa to kill kaNNan. He resides in tirunaraiyoor, where there are plenty of lotus ponds where swans drink plenty of honey from the fully bloomed karuneidal flowers and sleep (fully intoxicated) on the huge petals of lotus flowers.
mundunoolum muppurinoolum munneenda
andaNALan piLLaiyai anjAnru aLittAnoor |
pondil vAzhum piLLaikkAhippuLLODi
nanduvArum paimbunalvAvi naraiyoorE ||
Sree kriShNa received the sacred thread as well as the chanting of vEdas from His guru sAndeepini. (AzhwAr uses the word ‘nool’ twice meaning scared thread and book). After the studies are over kriShNa wanted to give guru dakShiNa to Sree sAndeepini. The guru asked Him to bring back his drowned son (his only son) . kriShNa did so. He resides in tirunaraiyoor where the birds bring snails as food for their young ones living in the hollow of the trees.
AzhwAr has used the phrases ‘mundu noolum muppuri noolum’ in the said order but it should be taken as ‘muppuri noolum mundu noolum’ . Since first brahmOpadESa is done then the chanting of the vEdas.
veLLaippuravittEr viSayarkAi viral vyooham
viLLa SindukkOn vizhavoornda vimalanoor |
koLLaikkozhumeenuN kuruhODippeDaiyODum
naLLakkamala tEral uhukkum naraiyoorE ||
Sree kriShNa drove the chariot of arjuna drawn by good white horses and caused the destruction of the army of the foes and the death of the king of sindh called jayadratha. This ‘vimalan’ resides in tirunaraiyoor where there are plenty of fresh water ponds in which cranes and fat fish live. The cranes eat those fish, feel very thirsty, go to the huge lotuses full of fresh honey, drink it and feel happy.
pAraiyoorum bAramteerappArttan tan
tEraiyoorum dEvadEvan SErumoor |
tAraiyoorum taNtaLirvEli puDaiSoozha
nAraiyoorum nalvayal Soozhnda naraiyoorE ||
Sree kriShNa, the dEvAdidEva, drove the chariot of arjuna in the mahABArata war in order to reduce the BoomiBAra, causing the death of wicked kings. He resides in tirunaraiyoor where the fertile fields have fencing of plants whose tender leaves have honey (like flowers). The cranes live in these fields feeding on the fish and drinking honey. If the fencing of the fields are so lushy what to talk of the crops inside?-is the meaning of the sentence.
tAmattuLaba neeNmuDi mAyan tAn ninra
nAmattiraL mAmaLihai Soozhnda naraiyoor mEl |
kAmakkadir vElvallAn kaliyan olimAlai
SEmattuNaiyAm Seppumavarku tirumAlE ||
tirumangai AzhwAr has sung these ten pASuras on emberumAn residing in tirunaraiyoor. He who reads and meditate on Him who wears a tuzhasi mAla on His crown will get Him as rakShaka and friend.
nAma tiraL mA mALihai—Can also be interpreted as the tall mansions whose doors the ‘tirunAma’ (tirumaNkAppu) representing the Sree pAda of BagavAn is painted.
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